
Novice Finals

  • 1
    THS the unification of the United States and Canada.
  • Novice Semifinals

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    THBT the US government should nationalize Facebook and Twitter.
  • Grand Final

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    Assuming the intentions of this specific ASI could not be corrupted, THP a world with an active ASI, which governs the world with the aim of protecting humanity.
  • Semifinals

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    THBT perpetually oppressed peoples have no duty to obey the law, even under otherwise just governments.
  • Quarterfinals

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    THW repeal the Volcker rule.
  • Octofinals

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    TH, as the anti-theist movement, would aggressively donate money to progressive and liberal churches.
  • Round 6

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    TH, as the CCP, would have allowed the Ant Group to IPO.
  • Round 5

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    TH, as the feminist movement, would endorse positive masculinity instead of deconstructing masculinity.
  • Round 4

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    THP a world in which everyone considers morality to be universal as opposed to a world in which everyone considers morality to be culturally specific.
  • Round 3

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    THW institute a worldwide 50 year debt jubilee.
  • Round 2

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    As a minority parent, THW prefer to live in a poorer all-minority neighborhood than a richer neighborhood in which they were a minority.
  • Round 1

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    THBT the left should oppose the use of judicial review by unelected courts.